I used a blog when developing this sample. You can download to ready use XPO from there .
1- Create a new Class Library type C# project at Visual Studio.
2- Press right click at project name, select Add service reference and write https://tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr/Service/KPSPublic.asmx?WSDL to Address, write Sorgula to Namespace and press GO so service reference will be shown.
3- Add your project to AOT with Add to AOT .
4- Go to project properties and make
Debug Target = No
Deploy to Client = Yes
Deploy to EP = No
Deploy to Server = Yes
Deploy to SSRS = No
Deploy project and down all AX clients. If you don't down all clients at deploy, deploy will fail accoring to blog writer.
This is my sample job:
//Metin Emre, 2.10.2014
static void TCIDTest(Args _args)
CLRObject clientType;
TCKimlik.Sorgula.KPSPublicSoapClient cl;
System.Exception ex;
boolean s,erOccured;
System.Exception e;
str ret;
new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop).assert();
clientType = CLRInterop::getType("TCKimlik.Sorgula.KPSPublicSoapClient");
cl = AifUtil::createServiceClient(clientType);
s = cl.TCKimlikNoDogrula(11111111111,"METİN","EMRE",1999);
ret = Ex.ToString();
if (!strScan(ret,"Not a valid citizen ID",1,strLen(Ret)))
erOccured = true;
if (!erOccured)
11111111111 is citizen ID, name and surname after citizen ID and the last born year. If all these are correct, returns true else false.