23 Aralık 2015 Çarşamba

Axapta - Add date and time to XPO export dialog form

With this feature XPO files will be version controlled. I got this useful for backup code from Eren Polat .

Add these code parts to SysExportDialog forms methods:


str                     sDate, sTime, sDateTime;
str                     sMilliSeconds;

    sMilliSeconds           = int2str(winApi::getTickCount());
    sDate                   = int2str(year(today())) + strReplace(num2str(mthofyr(today()),2,0,0,0), ' ', '0') + strReplace(num2str(dayofmth(today()),2,0,0,0), ' ', '0');
    sTime                   = strfmt("%1:%2", time2str(timeNow(),1,1), substr(sMilliSeconds, strlen(sMilliSeconds)-2,2));
    sTime                   = strReplace(sTime,":","");
    sDateTime               = strfmt("_%1%2",sDate,sTime);

    //element.updateBox(fileNameNext(strfmt('%1%2_%3%4', filePath, preFix, treeNode.treeNodeName(), #xpo)));
    element.updateBox(fileNameNext(strfmt('%1%2_%3%4%5', filePath, preFix, treeNode.treeNodeName(), sDateTime, #xpo)));

22 Aralık 2015 Salı

AX 2012 - Development with new WMS handheld terminal environment

Microsoft abandoned old WMS-II and put NEW WMS to AX 2012 which bought from another company. There is a web working handheld terminal solution too with this NEW WMS. This handheld solution while works competely at web also it runs AX environmet too for easy development and debug. We can run it with WHSWorkExecute menu item at AX. Microsoft published two guide for WMS and TM. Handheld user creating and customizing described at WMS guide. So I passed this issue and go in development.
There isn't anything about development at guide. I used a blog about handheld development. I learned some things I'm sure I couldn't find out if didn't read this blog. :)
I assume you know issues described at WMS guide.
WMS handheld developments all works with X++ classes. Every new menu item is a class. All menu item classes are begins with  WMSWorkExecuteDisplay name.
We assume develop our own menu item. If we don't develop our own menu item we can skip this step:

When you add your own work and/or indirect menu item you should add it to WHSWorkCreationProcess enum as an element. If your menu item is a work you have to also add it to WHSWorkExecuteMode enum too. According to blog which I mentioned before element name  and label added WHSWorkExecuteMode should be same as element added WHSWorkCreationProcess, I never tested it, just followed. Our element name is Test.
Our class WMSWorkExecuteDisplayTest . Class should be extended from WHSWorkExecuteDisplay.
We will see a new menu item at Mobile device menu items ->General->Work creation process. There's one step to tie our class to this menu item; Add this switch/case code part to WHSWorkExecuteDisplay classes construct method:

case WHSWorkExecuteMode::MyTest   : return WHSWorkExecuteDisplayTest::construct();

All menu items at handheld development work with their own displayForm method at their classes. I copied one of WMS classes and used my own work. displayForm method works as stages. It follows with a variable named step. First step is zero. The class I copied and used ends with stage 2 as save stage. You can follow stages as like as original classes with a switch/case block at displayForm.
We use buildControl for add a new control to our Web form:

ret += [this.buildControl(#RFText, #vendor, "@SYS14048", 1, pass.lookup(#vendor), extendedTypeNum(VendAccount), '', 0,false)];

If our macro #vendor doesn't exists at WHSRF macro library we should add it to WHRSF macro library. I just copy/paste method parameters from blog:

ame Data type Description
_controlType str This tells the framework what type of HTML control to build for the provided data. This must be one of the following macro definitions (defined in WHSRF):

_name str Name used for the control in the rendered HTML. Also used as the key to store data persisted in the control within the WHSRFPassthrough Map object.
_label str Text to display to the user in the UI for this control.
_newLine int Field that specifies how this control should be rendered in the UI. If a 1 is passed it means this control should be situated on a new line in the HTML table. If a 0 is passed this control will remain on the same line as the previous control(s).
Note this only applied to the default display settings view page used to render the HTML pages. If you have customized the display settings view it is possible this no longer renders in the same way.
_data str Data to display within the control (for example the data to include in a textbox control). Does not apply to label or button controls.
_inputType ExtendedTypeId DataType of the field – important for data entry fields so the correct validation rules can be applied by the framework.
For controls that do not require validation the macro
#WHSRFUndefinedDataType can be used.
_error str Indicates if this control contains validation errors – used to help the user understand which controls contain validation or input errors information.
_defaultButton int Indicates the specified button should be executed as the default form submit – for example when the user presses the enter key in the UI. This is typically applied to the “OK” button in the forms.
_enabled boolean Indicates if the control should be editable in the UI or if it should be displayed in a read-only mode.
Optional – defaults to true.
_selected int If set to 1 this will be the currently active control when the user comes to this page.
Optional – defaults to empty string.
_color WHSRFColorText Color to set the control textual data.
Optional – defaults to WHSRFColorTest::Default.

To check if our data mapped or not which we used at control we use exists method, use lookup method to get value. Usage is like that usually:

if (pass.exists(#vendor) && pass.lookup(#vendor) != '")

To add/chanhe data value use insert method:


By the way if you need extra parameters which are seem at system menu items but don't seem at user defined items  (look at red circles),

you have to do small update at WHSRFMenuItem forms togglefields method:

if (whsrfMenuItemTable.WorkCreationProcess == WHSWorkCreationProcess::PurchaseOrderItemReceiving             ||
        whsrfMenuItemTable.WorkCreationProcess == 

        //memre 22.12.2015
        whsrfMenuItemTable.WorkCreationProcess == WHSWorkCreationProcess::PurchaseOrderLineReceivingWithVendor)


Meanwhile you might do a small update at WHSRFControlData classes processControl method. With a development at mine while original class can create LP (License Plate) number, mine couldn't. Reason was check at processControl look for enum values. This small update worked for me:

case #LicensePlateId:
 else if (mode != WHSWorkExecuteMode::AdjustmentIn                           &&
                     mode != WHSWorkExecuteMode::ReportAsFinished                       &&

                     //memre 22.12.2015
                     mode != WHSWorkExecuteMode::PurchaseOrderLineReceivingWithVendor   &&
                     mode != WHSWorkExecuteMode::PurchaseOrderItemReceivingAndLocate    &&

That's all I learned to main principles of handheld development of new WMS. For more information you can look for this blog which I used too and WMS documents.

1 Aralık 2015 Salı

AX 2012 - Try - catch

There is a good article about try/catch. This code copied from that article:

void post(int amount)
        MyPostings debit;
        MyPostings credit;

        System.Exception ex;

            debit = MyPostings::find('debit'true);
            debit.Amount += amount;
            credit = MyPostings::find('credit'true);
            credit.Amount -= amount;
        catch (Exception::UpdateConflict)
            if (appl.ttsLevel() != 0)
                throw Exception::UpdateConflict;
            if (xSession::currentRetryCount() >= #RetryNum)
                throw Exception::UpdateConflictNotRecovered;
        catch (Exception::DuplicateKeyException)
            if (appl.ttsLevel() != 0)
                throw Exception::DuplicateKeyException;
            if (xSession::currentRetryCount() >= #RetryNum)
                throw Exception::DuplicateKeyExceptionNotRecovered;

        catch (Exception::Deadlock)
            if (xSession::currentRetryCount() >= #RetryNum)
                throw Exception::Deadlock;

        ex = ClrInterop::getLastException();
        if (ex != null)
            ex = ex.get_InnerException();
            if (ex != null)

            if (appl.ttsLevel() != 0)
                throw error("Something happened, that the logic was not designed to handle – please log a bug.");
            error("Something bad happened - try again later");

AX 2012 - Add/update Customer and Vendor accounts

Customer account:
    CustTable                    custTable;
    DirParty                        dirParty;
    DirPartyPostalAddressView       dirPartyPostalAddressView;
    DirPartyContactInfoView         dirPartyContactInfo;
    CustGroup                       custGroup;
    DirPartyTable                   partyTable;
    DirPartyLocation                dirLocation;
    LogisticsPostalAddress          address;
    LogisticsLocation               logisticsLocation;

    select firstOnly forUpdate custTable
        where custTable.AccountNum == custAccount;
        //-------------------- custtable --------------------------
    if (custTable.RecId == 0)
        custTable.AccountNum           = custAccount;
        custTable.CustGroup            = custGroupId;
        custTable.VATNum               = vatNum;
        custTable.IdentificationNumber = identificationNumber;
        custTable.TaxOfficeName_TR     = taxOfficeName_TR;
        custTable.Blocked              = custBlocked;
        custTable.insert(DirPartyType::Organization, custName);
        custTable.CustGroup            = custGroupId;
        custTable.VATNum               = vatNum;
        custTable.TaxOfficeName_TR     = taxOfficeName_TR;
        custTable.IdentificationNumber = identificationNumber;
        custTable.Blocked              = custBlocked;
        update_recordSet partyTable setting name = custName, NameAlias = nameAlias
            where partyTable.RecId == custTable.Party;
    //-------------------- adres -----------------------------
        dirParty = DirParty::constructFromCommon(custTable);
firstonly dirPartyPostalAddressView
            where dirPartyPostalAddressView.Party == custTable.Party &&
                  dirPartyPostalAddressView.LocationName == "Address";
        dirPartyPostalAddressView.LocationName      = "Adres";
        dirPartyPostalAddressView.City              = city;
        dirPartyPostalAddressView.State             = state;
        dirPartyPostalAddressView.Street            = street;
        dirPartyPostalAddressView.IsPrimary         = NoYes::Yes;
        dirPartyPostalAddressView.CountryRegionId   = countryRegionId;
        if (phone)
            dirParty = DirParty::constructFromCommon(custTable);
firstonly dirPartyContactInfo
                where dirPartyContactInfo.Party == custTable.Party &&
                      dirPartyContactInfo.LocationName == "Phone";
            dirPartyContactInfo.LocationName    ="Phone";
            dirPartyContactInfo.Locator         = phone;
            dirPartyContactInfo.IsPrimary       = NoYes::Yes;
            dirPartyContactInfo.Type            = LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType::Phone;
        if (email)
            select firstonly dirPartyContactInfo
                where dirPartyContactInfo.Party == custTable.Party &&
                      dirPartyContactInfo.LocationName == "E-mail";
            dirPartyContactInfo.LocationName    ="E-mail";
            dirPartyContactInfo.Locator         = email;
            dirPartyContactInfo.IsPrimary       = NoYes::Yes;
            dirPartyContactInfo.Type            = LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType::Email;

There's just one difference with vendor and customer creating is about separated creating DirParty record. If account is a person instead of organization, you have to use DirPersonName table instead of DirOrganization table:

    VendTable                    vendTable;

    DirParty                        dirParty;
    DirPartyPostalAddressView       dirPartyPostalAddressView;
    DirPartyContactInfoView         dirPartyContactInfo;
    VendGroup                       vendGroup;
    DirPartyTable                   partyTable;
    DirPartyLocation                dirLocation;
    LogisticsPostalAddress          address;
    LogisticsLocation               logisticsLocation;
    DirOrganization                 organization;


    select firstOnly forUpdate vendTable
        where vendTable.AccountNum == vendAccount;
        //-------------------- vendTable --------------------------
    if (vendTable.RecId == 0)
        organization.Name                    = vendName;
        organization.NameAlias               = nameAlias;
        organization.LanguageId              = CompanyInfo::languageId();

        vendTable.party                = organization.recid;
        vendTable.AccountNum           = vendAccount;
        vendTable.vendGroup            = vendGroupId;
        vendTable.VATNum               = vatNum;
        vendTable.Blocked              = VendBlocked;
        vendTable.TaxOfficeName_TR     = taxOfficeName_TR;
        vendTable.vendGroup            = vendGroupId;
        vendTable.VATNum               = vatNum;
        vendTable.Blocked              = VendBlocked;
        update_recordSet organization setting name = vendName, NameAlias = nameAlias
            where organization.RecId == vendTable.Party;

30 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi

AX 2012 - Add/update product

if ( InventTable::find(itemId).ItemId != "" )
        itemRecId = EcoResProduct::findByDisplayProductNumber(itemId).RecId;

private void newProduct(EcoResProductSubtype _subType = EcoResProductSubtype::Product)
    EcoResProductService                    erProdSvc;
    EcoResEcoResProduct                     ecoResProd;
    EcoResEcoResProduct_Product_Master      prodMaster;
    EcoResEcoResProduct_Translation         translation;
    EcoResEcoResProduct_Identifier          identifier;
    EcoResEcoResProduct_ProductDimGroup     prodDimGroup;
    EcoResEcoResProduct_Product_Distinct    distMaster;
    EcoResEcoResProduct_StorageDimGroup     storDimGroup;
    EcoResEcoResProduct_TrackingDimGroup    tracDimGroup;
    InventTable                             inventTable;

    erProdSvc   = EcoResProductService::construct();
    ecoResProd  = new EcoResEcoResProduct();

    if (_subType == EcoResProductSubtype::ProductMaster) //varianted product
        prodMaster    = new EcoResEcoResProduct_Product_Master();

        translation = prodMaster.createTranslation().addNew();
        identifier  = prodMaster.createIdentifier().addNew();

        prodDimGroup = prodMaster.createProductDimGroup().addNew();

        storDimGroup = prodMaster.createStorageDimGroup().addNew();

        tracDimGroup = prodMaster.createTrackingDimGroup().addNew();
    if (_subType == EcoResProductSubtype::Product) //product
        distMaster = new EcoResEcoResProduct_Product_Distinct();

        translation = distMaster.createTranslation().addNew();
        identifier  = distMaster.createIdentifier().addNew();

        storDimGroup = distMaster.createStorageDimGroup().addNew();

        tracDimGroup = distMaster.createTrackingDimGroup().addNew();




    if (_subType == EcoResProductSubtype::ProductMaster) //varianted product

    if (_subType == EcoResProductSubtype::Product) //product



private void updateProduct()
    InventTableModule           inventModule;
    EcoResProductTranslation    translation;

    update_recordSet inventModule setting unitId = unitId
        where inventModule.ItemId == itemId;
    update_recordSet translation
        setting Description = itemName,
                Name        = itemName
        where translation.Product == itemRecId &&
              translation.LanguageId == SystemParameters::getSystemLanguageId();

private void updateInventTable()
    InventTable             inventTable;
    InventModelGroupItem    modelGroup;
    update_recordSet inventTable
        setting NetWeight   = netWeight,
                TaraWeight  = taraWeight,
                GrossDepth  = depth,
                GrossWidth  = width,
                GrossHeight = height,
                UnitVolume  = volume
            inventTable.Product == itemRecId;
    if (inventModelGroupId == "")
        delete_from modelGroup
            where modelGroup.ItemId == itemId && modelGroup.ItemDataAreaId == curext() &&
                  modelGroup.ModelGroupDataAreaId == curext();
        select firstOnly forUpdate modelGroup
            where modelGroup.ItemId == itemId && modelGroup.ItemDataAreaId == curext() &&
                  modelGroup.ModelGroupDataAreaId == curext();
        modelGroup.ItemId = itemId;
        modelGroup.ItemDataAreaId = curext();
        modelGroup.ModelGroupDataAreaId = curext();
        modelGroup.ModelGroupId = inventModelGroupId;
        if (modelGroup.RecId == 0)

16 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi

AXAPT - Change company with code

It's easy to change company with code. But there are two small points to care; if select/SQL used, buffer table name should be make null at every reuse. IF query used query should be create again in every loop. Query.reset() doesn't work for clear query:


            qRun = new QueryRun(q);
            while (qRun.next())
                    custTable = qRun.get(tablenum(CustTable));



            custTable = null;
            subSegmentGroup = null;
            while select AccountNum from custTable


13 Kasım 2015 Cuma

AXAPTA - Security check with X++ code

Sometimes we need security check with code (Display method etc...):

    SecurityKeySet securityKeys = new SecurityKeySet();

   if (securityKeys.access(securitykeynum("KRC_CrossCompany")) ==  AccessType::NoAccess)

12 Kasım 2015 Perşembe

AXAPTA - Add extra action to info function with SysInfoAction class

There're two ways to call a form with this class:

info(strfmt("Sales order created: %1",salesTable.SalesId),"",

Difference with this way with up is while this way sends record data to form, upper way doesn't:

SysInfoAction_FormRun    infoAction = SysInfoAction_FormRun::newFormName(formStr(SalesTable));

info(strfmt("Satış siparişi oluşturuldu: %1",salesTable.SalesId),"",

16 Ekim 2015 Cuma

AXAPTA - Pack-unpack at forms

ClassDeclaration method:

    Container   packedQuery;
    SysQueryRun qRun;
tr dummy;

Other methods:

container pack()
    dummy      = txtDummy.valuestr();
    return [#CurrentVersion,#CurrentList];

public boolean unpack(container _packedClass)
    int version = conPeek(_packedClass,1);

    switch (version)
        case #CurrentVersion:
            [version,#CurrentList] = _packedClass;
            return false;
    return true;

public void init()

public void close()

void initParmDefault()

private IdentifierName lastValueDesignName()
    return '';

private IdentifierName lastValueElementName()
    return this.name();

private UtilElementType lastValueType()
    return UtilElementType::Form;

private UserId lastValueUserId()
    return curuserid();

public dataAreaId lastValueDataAreaId()
    return curExt();

This method is not mandatory, but you may write like this if you would like to use query:

void initQuery()
  Query                q;
  QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
  QueryBuildDataSource qbds2;
  QueryBuildRange      qRange;
  if (packedQuery)
      qRun = new SysQueryRun(packedQuery);
      q = new query();
      qbds = q.addDataSource(tablenum(EmplTable));
      qRun = new SysQueryRun(q);

This one is for select button of query, so of course not mandatory too:

 void clicked()
    if (qRun.prompt())
        packedQuery = qRun.pack();

12 Ekim 2015 Pazartesi

AXAPTA - Add right click menu popup to form control

You can do this with overwrite control's showContextMenu method:

public int showContextMenu(int _menuHandle)
    int                 ret;
    int                bar1,bar2;
    PopupMenu           pMenu = PopupMenu::create(_menuHandle,element.hWnd());
        bar1 = pMenu.insertItem("Selection 1");
        bar2 = pMenu.insertItem("Selection 2");

    ret = pMenu.draw();
    switch (ret)
    case -1 :
    case bar1:

    case bar2:
    default :
    return ret;


8 Ekim 2015 Perşembe

Axapta - Send and receive dataset

I took this code part from Fatih Demirci's developments.

Send dataset:

    System.Data.DataTable               dataTable;
    System.Data.DataColumnCollection    dataTableColumns;
    System.Data.DataRowCollection       DataRowCollection;
    System.Data.DataRow                 tmpRow;
    System.Data.DataSet dataset = new System.Data.DataSet();
    System.Data.DataTableCollection     dataTableCollection;

    dataTable = new System.Data.DataTable();
    dataTableColumns = dataTable.get_Columns();

//Describe lines
    dataTableColumns.Add("ACCOUNTNO", System.Type::GetType("System.String"));
    dataTableColumns.Add("ITEMNO", System.Type::GetType("System.String"));
    dataTableColumns.Add("TOACCOUNTNUM", System.Type::GetType("System.String"));
    dataTableColumns.Add("RETURNREASONIDD", System.Type::GetType("System.String"));
    dataTableColumns.Add("QUANTITY", System.Type::GetType("System.Double"));
    dataTableColumns.Add("DESCRIPTION", System.Type::GetType("System.String"));
//bir satır al
    DataRowCollection = dataTable.get_Rows();
        tmpRow = dataTable.NewRow();
//fill lines


//At this time if opposite side needs data table, it's ready

//In the other case if wants dataset, tie to dataset
     dataTableCollection     = dataSet.get_Tables();
//now dataset ready too

Receive dataset:

    System.Data.DataTable               dataTable;
    System.Data.DataTableCollection     dataTableCollection;
    System.Data.DataColumnCollection    dataColumnCollection;
    System.Data.DataRowCollection       dataRowCollection;
    System.Data.DataRow                 dataRow;
    System.Data.DataColumn              dataColumn;
    System.Data.DataTable               returnData;

        dataTableCollection     = dataSet.get_Tables();
        totalTable              = dataTableCollection.get_Count();
        for(i = 0; i < totalTable; i ++)
            dataTable               = dataTableCollection.get_Item(i);
            dataColumnCollection    = dataTable.get_Columns();
            DataRowCollection       = dataTable.get_Rows();
            totalRow                = dataRowCollection.get_Count();
            totalCol                = dataColumnCollection.get_Count();
            for( j = 0; j < totalRow; j ++)
                dataRow         = dataRowCollection.get_Item(j);
                custAccount     = dataRow.get_Item("ACCOUNTNO");
                itemId          = dataRow.get_Item("ITEMNO");
                toCustAccount   = dataRow.get_Item("TOACCOUNTNUM");
                strtext         = dataRow.get_Item("RETURNREASONIDD");
                krc_DefectiveId = str2int64(strtext);
                strtext         = dataRow.get_Item("QUANTITY");
                _b2bdesc        = dataRow.get_Item("DESCRIPTION");

3 Eylül 2015 Perşembe

Axapta - Query prompt prevent "Select query - query last used"

When you run a query and restore values  at Axapta you would be see values are not you restored. Reason would be "last used query" at "select query". To prevent this effect you have to use SysQueryRun instead of QueryRun. SysQueryRun is extended version of QueryRun.

This code prevents "last used query":


2 Eylül 2015 Çarşamba

Axapta - Transfer order partial receive

This's so easy with a way which I learned from a forum page :

inventTranstransferLine.QtyReceiveNow = 50;

When you post the transfer order, your 50 pcs items will be receive.

27 Ağustos 2015 Perşembe

AXAPTA - Save query to a table field and restore than

I used Mirko Bonello's blog for this sample.

Create a container field at table. Mine is InventTableQuery:

void createAndSaveQueryInTable()
  QueryRun SysqueryRun;
  if (this.InventTableQuery)
      queryRun = new QueryRun(this.InventTableQuery);
      queryRun = new QueryRun(queryStr('InventTable'));

   if (queryRun.prompt())
      this.InventTableQuery = queryRun.pack();

We used SysQueryRun instead for QueryRun and set qrun.promptLoasLastUsedQuery(false) for don't screw like me because of "Why I get same query values for every record?" question... :)