With this feature XPO files will be version controlled. I got this useful for backup code from Eren Polat .
Add these code parts to SysExportDialog forms methods:
str sDate, sTime, sDateTime;
str sMilliSeconds;
sMilliSeconds = int2str(winApi::getTickCount());
sDate = int2str(year(today())) +
strReplace(num2str(mthofyr(today()),2,0,0,0), ' ', '0') +
strReplace(num2str(dayofmth(today()),2,0,0,0), ' ', '0');
sTime = strfmt("%1:%2", time2str(timeNow(),1,1), substr(sMilliSeconds, strlen(sMilliSeconds)-2,2));
sTime = strReplace(sTime,":","");
sDateTime = strfmt("_%1%2",sDate,sTime);
//element.updateBox(fileNameNext(strfmt('%1%2_%3%4', filePath, preFix, treeNode.treeNodeName(), #xpo)));
element.updateBox(fileNameNext(strfmt('%1%2_%3%4%5', filePath, preFix, treeNode.treeNodeName(), sDateTime, #xpo)));
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