27 Aralık 2011 Salı

AXAPTA runbase dialog

void clicked()
    Dialog      dialog;
    DialogField DEmplId;
    DialogField DApp;
    DialogField DAppDesc;

    dialog = new Dialog("@SYS108667");
    DApp     = dialog.addField(typeId(B_Approval));
    DAppDesc = dialog.addField(typeId(Description));
    DEmplId  = dialog.addField(typeId(EmplId));


    dialog.run(); // show

    if (dialog.closedOK())
        B_RepairJournalPartsChangeLines.Approval            = DApp.value();
        B_RepairJournalPartsChangeLines.ApprovalDescription = DAppDesc.value();
        B_RepairJournalPartsChangeLines.ApproveEmplId       = DEmplId.value();

AXAPTA post invent journal

    journalTableData        journalTabledata;
    inventJournalTable      inventJournalTable;
    InventJournalCheckPost  journalCheckPost;
    inventJournalTable = inventJournalTable::find(Line.InventJournalId);
    // Posting Journal
    journalTableData = JournalTableData::newTable(inventJournalTable);
    if (infolog.num(Exception::Error))
    journalCheckPost =

22 Aralık 2011 Perşembe

AXAPTA invent journal

When we were working with forms we just select InventJournalName and default parameters come. At working with code we have to put our parameters (or that is the way just I can found):

    InventJournalTrans  inventJournalTrans;
    InventJournalTable  inventJournalTable;
    InventJournalName   inventJournalName;
    InventDim toInventDim;
    InventDim tempInventDimTo; 
    // Process Journal Header
    inventJournalName   = "MyJournalName"
    inventJournalTable.JournalId        = NumberSeq::newGetNum(InventParameters::numRefInventJournalId()).num();
    inventJournalTable.Description      = InventJournalName.Description;
    inventJournalTable.Reservation      = ItemReservation::Automatic;
    inventJournalTable.JournalType      = inventJournalType::Transfer;

    inventJournalTable.BlockUserGroupId     = inventJournalName.BlockUserGroupId;
    inventJournalTable.JournalNameId        = inventJournalName.JournalNameId;
    inventJournalTable.ApprUserGroup        = inventJournalName.ApprUserGroup;
    inventJournalTable.ApprFromSiteId       = inventJournalName.ApprFromSiteId;
    inventJournalTable.ApprFromLocationId   = inventJournalName.ApprFromLocationId;
    inventJournalTable.ApprFromWMSLocationId= inventJournalName.ApprFromWMSLocationId;
    inventJournalTable.ApprFromBatchId      = inventJournalName.ApprFromBatchId;
    inventJournalTable.ApprToSiteId         = inventJournalName.ApprToSiteId;
    inventJournalTable.ApprToLocationId     = inventJournalName.ApprToLocationId;
    inventJournalTable.ApprToWMSLocationId  = inventJournalName.ApprToWMSLocationId;
    inventJournalTable.ApprToBatchId        = inventJournalName.ApprToBatchId;
    inventJournalTable.VoucherSeqId         = inventJournalName.VoucherSeqId;

toInventDim.wMSLocationId = inventJournalName.ApprtoWMSLocationId;
toInventDim.InventLocationId = inventJournalName.ApprtoLocationId;
toInventDim.InventSiteId      = inventJournalName.ApprtoSiteId;

    // Process journal lines
    inventJournalTrans.Voucher      = NumberSeq::newGetNum(InventParameters::numRefInventJournalVoucherId()).num();
    inventJournalTrans.ItemId       = "MyItem001";
    inventJournalTrans.TransDate    = systemDateGet();
    inventJournalTrans.Qty          = -1;
    inventJournalTrans.InventDimId = tempInventDimto.inventDimId;
    // reservation check
    if (!InventMoveMent::setAutoReserving(InventJournalTrans))

16 Aralık 2011 Cuma

AXAPTA Set empty date and datetime values

for Datetime values:


for Date values:
myDate =global::dateNull();

6 Aralık 2011 Salı

5 Aralık 2011 Pazartesi

AXAPTA sales price, cost price

Sales price:
    B_RepairJournalOrderLines.ProjSalesPrice = InventTable::find(B_RepairJournalOrderLines.ItemId).LastUserPrice;
Cost price:
    B_RepairJournalOrderLines.ProjCostPrice = InventTableModule::find(B_RepairJournalOrderLines.ItemId,ModuleInventPurchSales::Sales).price() ;

AXAPTA when there isn't go to main table form menu item?

You can see at right click "Go to main table form" if current control bounded a tables key field. But if it's just created with extended data type, you cannot see this menu item.

I used Fatih Demirci'nin this code:

public void jumpRef()
EmplTable emplTable;
Args args;
MenuFunction menuFunction;
emplTable = EmplTable::find(this.text());
if (!emplTable)
args = new Args();
menuFunction = new MenuFunction( menuitemdisplaystr(EmplTable),

But actually this code behaves different from systems default "Go to main table" menu item. It just filter related record. Orijinal menu item just locate related record not filter. After a little search I wrote this code. It works just like original:

public void jumpRef()
CustTable custTable;
Args args;
MenuFunction menuFunction;
args = new Args();
menuFunction = new MenuFunction(MenuItemDisplayStr(custTable),MenuItemType::Display);

AXAPTA user tables

There are three tables about user relations:

UserInfo - There are active directory users at this table. User id at Id field and name at name field...

EmplTable - This is firms employee table. Employee code at  EmplId field.

SysCompanyUserInfo - This table ties UserInfo and EmplTable tables. UserId field at this table related with Id from UserInfo table, EmplId field at this table related with EmplId at EmplTable. You can call Administrator->User relations form for this relation.

CurUserId() gives you current users ID.
At this sample you created a table and you want to put default users employee id at create  new record:    MyTable.EmplId = SysCompanyUserInfo::find(CurUserId()).EmplId;

AXAPTA terminate AOS

This code doesn't give compile error. Actually code has mistake. It occurs error 174 and terminates AOS:

    select firstonly * from ord join rel join obj
        where ord.ServiceOrderId == rel.RelKeyId &&
            rel.RelTableId == ord.TableId &&
            obj.ServiceObjectId == rel.ServiceObjectId &&
            ( L_ItemSerialNum.valueStr()== obj.ItemSerialNum || (!L_ItemSerialNum)) &&
            ( L_SMAServiceObjectId.valueStr()== rel.ServiceObjectId || (!L_SMAServiceObjectId));

After this fix there is no terminate anymore:
    select firstonly * from ord join rel join obj
        where ord.ServiceOrderId == rel.RelKeyId &&
            rel.RelTableId == ord.TableId &&
            obj.ServiceObjectId == rel.ServiceObjectId &&
            ( L_ItemSerialNum.valueStr()== obj.ItemSerialNum || (!L_ItemSerialNum.valueStr())) &&
            ( L_SMAServiceObjectId.valueStr()== rel.ServiceObjectId || (!L_SMAServiceObjectId.valueStr()));

I made a bit search at internet and learned error 174 occurs even with perfect code parts...

2 Aralık 2011 Cuma

AXAPTA another way to get number sequence at create record with code

    ExtendedTypeId              id  = TypeID2ExtendedTypeId(TypeId(SMAServiceObjectId));
    NumberSeq                   num = NumberSeq::newGetNum(NumberSequenceReference::find(id));
    SMAServiceObjectTable.ServiceObjectId     = num.num();

AXAPTA control with code a field of datasource at form.

It's so easy. You have to use object array for that:    

        Barebone)).enabled(SMAObjectGroup.ServiceItemType == B_ServiceItemType::Item);

AXAPTA Create new record at another form and return from

Sometimes you can want to or have to create new record  at another form. There are some Axapta forms do it with complex ways. I couldn't understand Axapta's ways.
This is mine simple way:

Main forms data source create method:

public void create(boolean _append = false)
    Args                args;
    FormRun             formCreate;

        args = new Args();
        formCreate = classfactory.formRunClass(args);

B_ExpressServiceNew, is my new record forms name.
This part should write at new record forms new record method:

    if (element.args() && element.args().caller() && element.args().caller().name() == formstr(B_ExpressService))

     mainForm = element.args().caller();

B_ExpressService is my main form, oTable is my new record.
Setrecord method at main form for locate new record:

void SetRecord(SMAServiceOrderTable _order)


AXAPTA edit method sample

Edit method let us show a field of another table and tie it with a field of our table. In this sample ServiceObjectId fields value changes related with ItemId updates. We get ServiceObjectId fields value, put ItemId which has this ServiceObjectId value. When ItemId changed we update ServiceObjectId value.

edit ItemId EditItemId(boolean set, ItemId _ItemId)
    ItemId ret;

    if (set)
        this.ServiceObjectId =
        ret = SMAServiceObjectTable::find(this.ServiceObjectId).ItemId;
    return ret;

Set boolean value selects if editmethod will work for update or just display. If set true it's mean second parameter (in this case _ItemId ) filled from user. Else editmethod value cames from related field value.

AXAPTA splitter control

There isn't a true splitter control in Axapta. There is a class made by group panels. There are a lot of forms use this control.

Write these at ClassDeclaration:

    SysFormSplitter_X               _VerticalSplitter;
    SysFormSplitter_Y               _HorizontalSplitter;

First was for vertical splitter, second was horizontal. Put this code part to forms init method:

   _VerticalSplitter = new SysFormSplitter_X(VerticalSplitter,groupLeft,element);
   _HorizontalSplitter = new SysFormSplitter_Y(HorizontalSplitter,groupTop,element);

Arrangements for vertical splitter:

VerticalSplitter at up is group control for use vertical splitter control. It parameters are:
AlignChild = No
AlignControl = Yes
AutoDeclaration = Yes
BackgroundColor = Window background
FrameType = Raised 3D
HideifEmpty = No
Height = Column height
Width = 5
We put two group controls of vertical splitter one is left and one is right and it's parents column value should 3. This is important for a correct screening.Make Autodeclaration = Yes for left group. (It's name is groupLeft at upper). It's Height value must be Column Height, Width may be like 100-200, width value will be change and save after we move the splitter. Right groups height value should be column height and width value should be column width.
Vertical splitters methods are should be like:

int mouseUp(int x, int y, int button, boolean ctrl, boolean shift)
    int ret;

    ret = super(x, y, button, ctrl, shift);

    Return _VerticalSplitter.mouseUp(x, y, button, ctrl, shift);

int mouseMove(int x, int y, int button, boolean ctrl, boolean shift)
    int ret;

    ret = super(x, y, button, ctrl, shift);

    Return _VerticalSplitter.mouseMove(x,y,button,ctrl,shift);

int mouseDown(int x, int y, int button, boolean ctrl, boolean shift)
    int ret;

    ret = super(x, y, button, ctrl, shift);

    Return _VerticalSplitter.mouseDown(x, y, button, ctrl, shift);

Arrangements for horizontal splitter:
I'll just tell differences with vertical.Different parameters:
Columns = 1 for splitters parent control.
Height = 5
Width =Column Width

Upper groups name is groupTOP for our sample. Height value may be like 100-200 and Width value is Column width. Methods names different; instead of _VerticalSplitter, _HorizontalSplitter. Lower groups Width value is Column Width and Height value is Column Height.

1 Aralık 2011 Perşembe

AXAPTA Edit data group dropped to form from table?

For add new field you have to do  AutoDataGroup = NO. For change or delete make DataGroup to empty.

AXAPTA work with address tables

We have to join some tables. In my sample we will try to get a vendors address:

    DirPartyAddressRelationShip         dirPartyAddressRelationShip;
    DirPartyAddressRelationShipMapping  dirPartyAddressRelationShipMapping;
    Address                             address;
                    select firstonly * from DirPartyAddressRelationShip join
                        dirPartyAddressRelationShipMapping join address
                        order by
                            DirPartyAddressRelationShip.Shared desc,
                            DirPartyAddressRelationShip.IsPrimary desc
                        where DirPartyAddressRelationShip.PartyId == VendTable::find(vendPAckingSlipJour.OrderAccount).PartyId &&
                              dirPartyAddressRelationShipMapping.PartyAddressRelationshipRecId == dirPartyAddressRelationShip.RecId &&
                              address.RecId == dirPartyAddressRelationShipMapping.AddressRecId &&
                              address.type == AddressType::Service;

DirPartyAddressRelationShip table ties source table with (source table in this sample is VendTable) addresses. In this sample VendTable tables PartyId field join with  DirPartyAddressRelationShip table.
Address tables name is  Address. DirPartyAddressRelationShipMapping table is a bridge between DirPartyAddressRelationShip and Address tables. DirPartyAddressRelationShipMapping tables PartyAddressRelationshipRecId field related with DirPartyAddressRelationShip tables RecId field. DirPartyAddressRelationShipMapping tables AddressRecId field related with Address tables RecId field.

DirPartyAddressRelationShip tables Shared field is shown in vendor form addres tab->general field, IsPrimary alanı da Birincil alanına denk geliyor. Type field is address types combobox. I wanted to get service address so selected as AddressType::Service enum value.

AXAPTA icase equivalent in axapta and today

b = a > SystemDateGet() ? "büyük" : "küçük"

AXAPTA TC Id field

This is just about turkish users:

There is an extended data type for TC id: IdentityNum_TR . But it's lenght incorrect (12). Should be 11.

AXAPTA refreshing records


If you want to stay at current record:
